vi·bran·cy ˈvībrənsē: the state of being full of energy and life

“I cannot express exactly how grateful we are to you. Your expertise and joyful, organic approach to photography produced some of the most gorgeous slices-in-time photos we could have ever dreamed.”
“Book her immediately. You'll love the photographs she takes, and you'll love her as a person just as much.”
“Katie, you captured the ethos of the wedding of Eric and Melanie perfectly. What an eye!”
-Nan, Mother of the Groom

I love weddings because they are rich with life. I view photography as a form of story telling, and my photos document the narrative of your day.
I think being present in life is extremely important for fulfillment. I want my clients to be completely in the moment, not taken out of it to focus on a pose.
Your job is to enjoy your wedding, my job is to capture ALL of it.

The Big Picture
Besides photographing weddings, I shoot for the United Way, The UVM Children’s Hospital and do pro-bono work for various non-profits.
Love is rad